The Zoo Of Tranquillity

(new version)
1998, CD: Erdenklang 81042
1. The Lawnmower 6:46 6. The Zoo And Jonas 5:46
2. The Woodpecker 5:08 7. The Wedding Cake 4:51
3. The Rise Of The Smooth Automaton 5:14 8. The Zoo Of Tranquillity 10:07
4. Contemplating Mortality 6:04 9. Fluid Memories (For Flo) 5:04
5. The Anteater 3:20

"The Zoo of Tranquillity" was inspired by concepts and designs of British artist Paul Spooner, who happens to be a master of sculptural animation. Spooner created an anteater, a lion and a woodpecker among others, for his book "Moving Animals".

Johannes Schmoelling was tempted to capture the magic of little absurd machines cheerfully spinning, lazily grinding, endlessly wiggling. "I like to create scenarios for the ears, to give a vertain depth, perspective, colouring and three-dimensional quality to sound textures. I like to arrange them like stage-sets".
"The Zoo of Tranquillity" ("Der Zoo der Stille") geht auf Konzepte und Entwürfe des britischen Künstlers Paul Spooner zurück, der ein Meister in der Kreation bewegter Skulpturen ist. Spooner erschuf für sein Bilderbuch "Moving Animals" u.a. einen Ameisenbär, einen Löwen und einen Specht.

Johannes Schmoelling empfand es als eine reizvolle Herausforderung, in seiner Musik die heitere Zwecklosigkeit dieser putzigen Maschinenwesen einzufangen, die sich spielerisch drehen, in naiver Unbekümmertheit schaukeln oder um ihrer selbst willen hin und her rucken.
The original LP „The Zoo of Tranquillity" was produced in 1987.
This actual version had been re-recorded and remixed in 1996 with additional new pieces at Riet Studio Berlin by Johannes Schmoelling.

Artwork and coverdesign by Susa Lie
Original Computer Graphics by AVS Group London
© 1998 - 2011 by Johannes Schmoelling